Life is a process.
This business is a process
Having it/not having it
Wanting something for so long
Doing the work doing the work doing the work
Feeling through hurts and stuckness and resistance after resistance
And then
After clearing what’s in the way
When things start to flow
When you can FEEL the channels opening and the energy start to
into waves and waves of roaring gorgeous connection
to clients and money and openness of Trust
It IS new
It IS big
It IS a lot to hold…
And then you see that that is a place to surrender too –
That the bigness of the energy “being a lot to hold”
That you can step out of,
And instead taste notice discover revel
In the experience of the energy simply in the now.
Oh, this is what the energy feels like right now –
Ok. Beautiful. Yes.
Yes yes yes yes yes yes
Is there anything else that you would like me to know, Source?
Thank you.
My energy work foundation is the modality Energetic Magic, and it is all about connecting to Source and shifting the beliefs of your subconscious.